Jennifer Russell, Co-Founder and Senior Partner
Quadratic Leadership - San Francisco
I work with leaders and teams to create mass coordinated action and systems change helping them develop
the alignment, clarity, and influence they need to lead, serve, and inspire anyone.

Jennifer Russell, Co-founder & Master Coach
Jennifer Russell is a dyed-in-the-wool entrepreneur that has founded over a dozen business and has worked on the executive teams of several high impact startups helping bring more than 40 new technologies to market in a dozen different industries.
Jennifer and her partner Bryan Franklin have helped thousands of executives and entrepreneurs create successful businesses and thriving cultures. She works with her clients to develop advanced capabilities, universal values, a community of unprecedented support, and a conviction of purpose.
She has led nearly a decade of transformational and professional training programs designed to liberate people from self-imposed limiting beliefs and the underlying assumptions that create what is possible. Her unique coaching and speaking style incorporates the best of Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), the human potential movement, family systems, collaborative systems, attachment theory, neuroscience, evolutionary psychology, developmental psychology, integral theory, spiral dynamics, spiritual practices, tribal circling technologies, archetype work, sacred theater and their own body of work centered around personal development, love and relationship, and leadership.
"Jennifer has the brilliance of a Nobel scientist, the compassionate heart of a Mother Theresa, the unwavering presence of a martial artist and the unspeakable beauty of Guinevere. This woman is not only divinely invested in each person waking up to the greatest version of themselves but is purpose driven that the Planet emerge into collective consciousness, love and wealth. Follow her, learn from her, trust me you will have more access to who you want to become."

Jennifer embodies a style of integrated feminine leadership that integrates the personal and professional, the spiritual and material,the effective and sustainable, the head and heart, the meaningful and pragmatic, and the profitable and fulfilling.
Her mission is to bring feminine values to the forefront of our culture. She works with people to amplify their influence and bring a total systems approach to bear to create an evolutionary shift on our planet.
Whether its guiding a cancer drug through the arduous process of testing and development or guiding an entrepreneur through the harrowing process of creating their business, Jennifer's insight and inspiration are bar none.
"The world's most influential leaders have a responsibility, not only to their organizations,
but also to align with humanity's most important objectives."
- Jennifer Russell
Integrating personal and professional, the spiritual and material, the effective and sustainable, the meaningful and pragmatic, and the profitable and fulfilling.
It is no longer sufficient to belief that if some of us succeed individually we will succeed collectively. We are fundamentally interconnected and interdependent and as a culture are at a transition point - a movement from a development phase of growth and a new and more mature phase of regeneration and omni-consideration.
With this shift in consciousness comes new challenges, needs, hopes, fears, and required skills. I will help you make that shift and re-equip yourself to meet those challenges and become the integrated leader that draws your power from both the the personal and the political, the individual and the collective, and the masculine and feminine aspects of who we are.
I embody a style of integrated feminine leadership that integrates the personal and professional, the spiritual and material, the effective and sustainable, the head and heart, the agentic and communal, the meaningful and pragmatic.
"Once we unwind your misunderstandings around power and create a map
to get your vision into the world, you will forever know how to lead, serve and inspire anyone."
- Jennifer Russell
I work with conscious leaders privately and in groups through various professional trainings and programs that we have developed to help evolve how we lead, how we do business, and how we love. If you are ready to create an evolutionary shift in your life and in your projects, let's talk. I want to work with people whose visions are shaping themselves and the cultures they influence.
"I am here to help transform business into a life nourishing endeavor,
but also what is necessary for the survival and evolution of humankind."
- Jennifer Russell
Rewrite Your Relationship DNA & Embody Your Ideal Love Story
In addition to her coaching and facilitation in the business domain, Jennifer and Bryan have co-founded Evolving Love which offers live events, private intensive retreats, individual coaching, and multi-day workshop in cities around the nation to help people rewrite their relational DNA and embody their ideal love story.
Jennifer is a stand for relationships that have a 'both / and' rather than an 'either / or' relationship to Freedom and Devotion as she helps singles and couples move from ordinary to extraordinary relationships. Today her and her partner Bryan Franklin have become icons of spiritual union as depicted in Android Jone's most recognized visionary art piece entitled 'Union'.
"Evolving the way we love has far reaching consequences. As we learn how to resolve the war going on inside us - that has us acting out of wounding, disintegration, and fear - we also learn to stop the war in our relationships, political structures, and ultimately our culture.
The core wounds we inherit by design are our greatest teachers. They arrest our attention and become the focal point of our lives such that we get to experience these themes in full technicolor detail, repeating and repeating these patterns in situation after situation. They become a complex evolutionary puzzle we are born to unwind."
Without the source code for how healthy and powerful relationships work, you might end up getting stuck circling the same patterns. The Evolving Love work is designed to create permanent relationship breakthroughs with step-by-step support to break free of persistent patterns & reignite your relationships.
For more information about Evolving Love events, programs, intensive retreats, and 1:on:1 coaching click here Evolving Love Website.
"Bryan & Jennifer embody a unique face of love. It’s an extraordinary love to be surrounded by. They are my teachers and an inspiration to parts of me that I didn’t know could come alive. They are two of the most brilliant human beings I’ve ever known individually and in relationship. They inspired me to love better."
- Annie Lalla, Love & Relationship Expert
Business results, game-changing insights, out-of-the-box solutions, powerful models

Jennifer has helped me to distill and manifest my life work in a way no one else has. She is a rare blend of passion, competence, intelligence, creativity, commitment, realness, and care. She gets profoundly invested in every project she engages, and takes her commitment seriously. Delivering above and beyond expectation is her normal. It has been an honor to work with Jennifer -- I have learned a tremendous amount about leadership from her.

Daniel S., Founder

“I’d bet cash money, that if you play hard with Bryan and Jennifer you’ll get higher level insight and immediately actionable ideas than you’ve received from any other resource. They have a unique ability to help you leapfrog in terms of profit, and in terms of your dreams. Care to bet?”

- Alex V., Founder

I am now developing a distribution partnership and seeking funding. I also have a book deal. This is your chance to awaken your greatest gift. If you have found great successes but need that hand to help you cross the threshold to purpose, coaches Bryan Franklin and Jennifer Russell are for you.

- Maryann B. , Executive

Bryan and Jennifer are two of the most revolutionary coaches. They have reverse engineered how others can navigate the rough currents and succeed beyond their wildest expectations.If you're interested in taking your relating not just to the next level, but several levels above that, they're the ones to learn from.

- Julia A., Media Expert
- MetaMind (Guest Speaker), Sedona AZ
- Actualize Conference (Guest Speaker), San Francisco CA
- Accelerate Conference (Guest Speaker), Miami FL
- Elevate Conference (Guest Speaker), Boulder, CO
- Intimacy Intensive (Guest Speaker), Las Vegas, NV
- Peter Theil’s 20 under 20 (Facilitator), San Francisco, CA
- Ascended Masters Entrepreneurial Mastermind (Facilitator), Multiple Locations
- The Level Seven Leadership Group (Facilitator), Multiple Locations
- RECODE Live Event (Facilitator), Sydney Australia & San Francisco, CA
- Mind Money and Meaning (Facilitator), San Francisco, CA
- Mind Money Meaning (Facilitator), New York, NY
- Rapid Growth Summit (Facilitator), San Francisco, CA
- Awesomeness Fest (Guest Speaker), Costa Rica
- Shift Network (Guest Teacher), Conscious Entrepreneurs Summit (Online)
- HIVE Global Leaders Conference, San Francisco, CA
- Evolving Love (Facilitator/Host), San Francisco, CA
- Evolving Love (Facilitator/Host, San Diego, CA
- Evolving Love (Facilitator/Host), Tahoe, CA
- Thrive JV Summit, Bay Area CA
- LEVERAGE: The Startup CEO Playbook
- Architects For Humanity Bay Area, CA
- Goddess Revival Bay Area, CA
- TEDx Cardiff, CA
- Women Network Conference Long Beach, CA
- The Foundation: Entrepreneurs vs Business Owners What's the Difference Episode 51
- I Love Marketing: Dodging The Wealth Bullet - The 3 Entrepreneurial Phases Episode 129
- The Stranger Connection: Living One Breath Away From Tears Episode 10
- All In With Alicia Dunhams: All In with Mind, Money & Meaning
- The Together Show: From Repulsion To Passion
- Live, Lead & Play Podcast: Dynamic Duo Creating Extraordinary Relationships
- The Smart Couple Show with Jayson Gaddis: Going from Ordinary to Extraordinary Episode 32
- The Integrated Woman Podcast with Salona Carlise: Redefining Feminine Power
- US News (as “California leadership”)
- Harvard Business Review (as “California leadership”)
- Wall Street Journal (pictured only)
- Rapid Scale Interview hosted by Eben Pagan
- Evolver Learning Lab, Falling And Staying In Love hosted by Annie Lalla And Eben Pagan
- Profoundly Human the Jake Sasseville Show with Jake Sasseville
- Dodging the Wealth Bullet hosted by Jon Benson, Yanik Silver, Eben Pagan, & John Asaraf
- The Entrepreneurs Holy Grail with Alexis Neeley & Rose Cole
- Conscious Sexuality and Relationship Conference hosted by Marc David and Emily Rosen
- Relationship Fun & Games hosted by Gabrielle Sundra and Raj Sundra (2 appearances)
- Evolution, Revolution or Both Interview with Michael Ellsberg
- Author Interview with Jennifer Russell Burning The Ivory Tower, Path of the Priestess
- 6-Figure Purpose to 7 -Figure Impact Summit interview hosted by Lorna Li
- The Holistic Empowered Woman Summit Interview hosted by Kouros Alaee
- The Supreme Love Summit Interview hosted by Jeannine Staples
- Create A Relationship You Love Summit hosted by Andrea Cairella
- Judgment vs Discernment Interview with Michael Ellsberg
- The Strategies of Real Health Summit Interview hosted by Cynthia Lamarucciola
- Unleash Your Feminine Superpower Summit Interview hosted by Lauren Joyce
- Conscious Sexuality Summit Interview hosted by Mariah Freya
- Inspiring Breakthroughs Summit Interview hosted by Jeffrey Davis
- The Art of Feminine Presence Online Event hosted by Bex Burton
- The Modern Day Priestess Summit hosted by Elayne Dougherty
- Masculine & Feminine Forms of Power Interview with Michael Ellsberg
- Burning Man Various Panels on Love, Leadership, Economic & Social Futurism (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
- Your Freedom Business Summit Interview hosted by Alison Palmer
- Live Powerful & Feminine Summit
Public Appearances, Keynote Talks, Interviews, & Live Events
Inspired By The Leadership Of Jennifer Russell
Your Role as a woman in the world is changing and you must change with it. We asked these powerful and successful women - thought leaders, community leaders, loving wives and mothers - What Is The Nature Of This Change? Each one shares how they have been inspired by the leadership of Jennifer Russell.
Accelerate: Rapid Scale Your Business
Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin as guest speakers at the Accelerate Conference hosted by Eben Pagan where they talk about the 3 distinct phases of any entrepreneurial endeavor, some confusions most people have about creating success, and the structures for rapid scale.
Intimacy Intensive: Evolving Love
Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin as guest speakers at the Accelerate Conference hosted by Eben Pagan work with you in real time to rewrite your relationship DNA and embody your ideal love story. Come prepared to learn the source code for how healthy and powerful relationships work.
Feminine & Masculine Forms of Power
An interview with Jennifer Russell and Michael Ellsberg about the 4 faces of masculine and feminine forms of power. A deep dive into the personal and the political impact of reclaiming our power and influence looking at each of the 4 faces of power and how to integrate and develop those into forms of integrated leadership.
TEDx Integrated Leadership
It’s time for us to tell a new story about power. Learn an unforgettable map of your own sources of power, some of which have been lying dormant for your entire life. Once you can locate and allow all four faces of incorruptible power to move through you, you can lead, inspire, and serve almost anyone.
Integrated Leadership: Reclaim Your Power
We've all heard that power corrupts — but what if this doesn't have to be the case? In this talk, filmed at A-Fest Costa Rica, Jennifer Russell and Bryan Franklin explain the different forms and dimensions of true power, and the key to harnessing it: transcendent values.
The Future of Humanity- A Systems Approach
At The Hive Global Leaders Conference Daniel Schmachtenberger (Neurohacker Collective), Jennifer Russell (Quadratic Leadership & Emergence Project), & Tom Chi (GoogleX) talk about the future of humanity taking a systems approach to viewing our world as they share their systems thinking approach.
Burning The Ivory Tower Interview
In this interview hosted by Jane Ashley, co-authors of Path of The Priestess: A Guidebook of Awakening we learn about a road map to our own untapped leadership and influence that is absolutely necessary for participation in this new order of planetary collaboration.
THE DNA OF EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS September 28, 2015 - Are you exploring the possibility of a business partnership? Startup Genome did a study on 50,000 startups and found the companies that grew fastest and were most successful had not one founder, not three founders, but two co-founders. There is a special synergy that can happen through partnership that can unlock more creativity, more accountability, more go-juice, and bigger visioning… ...Continue Reading
THE #1 MISTAKE ENTEPRENEURS MAKE WHEN STARTING OUT June 11, 2014 - Today I want to talk about the beginning, when you’re just getting started, when you’re starting a business. What is the common mistake you might make when you’re just getting started? I’ve worked with people from the ground floor of starting literally from scratch, to helping people scale to a billion dollars in revenue multiple times. I’ve seen the entire… ...Continue Reading
Leadership Development & Training
Coaching For First Time CEOs
Team Peak Performance Coaching
Strategic Offsite Facilitation And Design
Sales Acceleration
Raising Capital
Creating A Culture Of Excellence
Executive Team Alignment
Love & Relational Skills & EQ
Coaching: First Time CEOs
Raising Capital
Consulting: Sales Acceleration
Strategic Offsite Facilitation
Coaching: Culture of Excellence
Coaching: Peak Team Performance
Coaching: Personal Purpose
Organizational Alignment
360 Feedback
Artwork by Android Jones, the artist that painted the tribute to the love between Bryan Franklin and Jennifer Russell in his famous piece, "Union".