The Disease of Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley has a disease. It’s very serious. Possibly terminal. Let me tell you how I discovered it…. I started working with a Chief Business Officer in a rapidly scaling business. She was building a new business unit, was whip smart and had all the resources she needed at her disposal. She had a year…
The Price of Professionalism

While running a leadership program for a group of executives, the topic of ‘professionalism’ came up. One leader was frustrated with one of her employees, and she was trying to be ‘professional’ by handling a situation ‘the right way.’ You know what I mean—trying to give feedback without emotion while in reality she was livid that…
Trying to Get Your Employees to Do What You Want?

I was working with a CEO named Jeff the other day who was frustrated with one of his employees. This employee—Paul, the leader of an important business unit—wasn’t doing what Jeff would ask of him. This in turn was putting a wrench in the works of the business, and allowing the competition to creep in.…

Are you exploring the possibility of a business partnership? Startup Genome did a study on 50,000 startups and found the companies that grew fastest and were most successful had not one founder, not three founders, but two co-founders. There is a special synergy that can happen through partnership that can unlock more creativity, more accountability,…